Written Publications

Please select to view a list of our written publications:




Book chapters

Journal articles


Abstracts and Proceedings

Other publications


We also undertake the preparation and production of technical guides, information pamphlets and internal research reports.


Most of our written publications, including many external research reports and most of our internal research reports, are available for purchase. Please contact us for details.




Our research is frequently presented at conferences and meetings. Click here to search a selection of our recent presentations.




Many applications require the development of in-house software to undertake specific tasks, usually in Visual Basic.


GRADISTAT is our very popular in-house particle size analysis software. The program runs in Microsoft Excel, and is suitable for calculating particle size statistics for sieve or laser granulometer data. Click here to download the software.


We have also developed a Particle Size Distribution Classification program, which classifies sediments and soils on the basis of the proportions of gravel, sand and mud (GSM) or sand, silt and clay (SSC), using our own classification scheme. Results are also plotted on trigons (ternary diagrams). The program runs in Microsoft Excel. Click here to download the software.



Classification Systems and Comparator Charts

As part of our strategic research we have developed several new classification systems and comparator charts. Full details have been published in journal articles, and tables and charts can be downloaded from our website.

Click here for details of our particle size classification.

Click here for details of our partcle shape classification.




We maintain a number of in-house datasets, gathered as part of our ongoing strategic research, including sediment particle size and elemental composition of beaches, saltmarshes, sand dunes and soil from across the UK and around the world. We also hold a substantial reference collection of ground and aerial photographs for the UK and around the world.