Journal Articles


Book chapters



Other publications

Pye, K., Blott, S.J., Forbes, N. and Maskell, C. (2020) Geomorphological and ecological change in a coastal foreland dune system, Sandscale Haws, Cumbria, UK: the management challenges posed by climate change. Journal of Coastal Conservation 24, 64. (view abstract)


Al-Dousari, A., Pye, K., Al-Hazza, A., Al-Shatti, F., Ahmed, M., Al-Dousari, N. and Rajab, M. (2020) Nanosize inclusions as a fingerprint for aeolian sediments. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 22, 94. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Blott, S.J. (2020) Is 're-mobilisation' nature restoration or nature destruction? A commentary. Discussion. Journal of Coastal Conservation 24, 10. (view abstract)


Pye, K. & Blott, S.J. (2017) Evolution of a sediment-starved, over-stabilised dunefield: Kenfig Burrows, South Wales, UK. Journal of Coastal Conservation 21, 685-717. (view abstract).


Pye, K. & Blott, S.J. (2016) The relative effect of the UK's stormy winter 2013-2014 on dune erosion: Case study of the Sefton Coast, Northwest England. Shore and Beach 84(2), 31-48.


Pye, K. & Blott, S.J. (2016) Assessment of beach and dune erosion and accretion using LiDAR: Impact of the stormy 2013-14 winter and longer term trends on the Sefton Coast, UK. Geomorphology 266, 146-167. (view abstract)


Pye, K. & Blott, S.J. (2015) Spatial and temporal variations in soft-cliff erosion along the Holderness coast, East Riding of Yorkshire, UK. Journal of Coastal Conservation 19, 785-808. (view abstract)


Pye, K. & Blott, S.J. (2014) The geomorphology of UK estuaries: the role of geological controls, antecedent conditions and human activities. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 150, 196-214. (view abstract)


Brown, S., Nicholls, R.J., Hansom, S., Brundrit G., Dearing, J.A., Dickson, M., Gallop, S.L., Gao, S., Haigh, I.D., Hinkel, J., Jimenez, J.A., Klein, R.J.T., Kron, W., Lazar, A., Freitas Neves, C., Newton, A., Pattiaratchi, C. Payo, A. Pye, K., Sanchez-Arcilla, A., Siddall, M., Shareef, A., Tompkins, E.L., Vafeidis, A.T., van Maanen, B., Ward, P.J. & Woodroffe, C.D. (2014) Shifting perspectives on coastal impacts and adaptation. Nature Climate Change 4, 752-755. (view abstract)


Pye, K., Blott, S.J. & Howe, M.A. (2014) Coastal dune stabilization in Wales and requirements for rejuvenation. Journal of Coastal Conservation 18, 27-54. (view abstract)


Robins, N.S, Pye, K. & Wallace, H. (2013) Dynamic coastal dune spit: the impact of morphological change on dune slacks at Whiteford Burrows, South Wales, UK.  Journal of Coastal Conservation 17, 473-482. (view abstract)


Howe, M.A., Litt, E. & Pye, K.  (2012) Rejuvenating Welsh dunes. British Wildlife 24, 85-94. (view abstract)


Blott, S.J. and Pye, K. (2012) Particle size scales and classification of sediment types based on particle size distributions: review and recommended procedures. Sedimentology 59, 2071-2096. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Blott, S.J. (2009) Development of a searchable major and trace element database for use in forensic soil comparisons. Science and Justice 49, 170-181. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Blott, S.J. (2009) Progressive breakdown of a gravel-dominated coastal barrier, Dunwich-Walberswick, Suffolk, UK: processes and implications. Journal of Coastal Research 25, 589-602. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Blott, S.J. (2008) Decadal-scale variation in dune erosion and accretion rates: an investigation of the significance of changing storm tide frequency and magnitude on the Sefton coast, UK. Geomorphology 102, 652-666. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (2008) Discussion of Karunarathna, H. and Reeve, D., A Boolean approach to prediction of long-term evolution of estuary morphology, Journal of Coastal Research 24, (2B), 51-61. Journal of Coastal Research 24, 1351-1352. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Blott, S.J. (2008) The use of geochemical techniques in forensic geoscience: a reply. Forensic Science International 178, e41-e46. (view abstract)


Al-Enezi, A., Pye, K., Misak, R. and Al-Hajraf, S. (2008) Morphologic characteristics and development of falling dunes, northeast Kuwait. Journal of Arid Environments 72, 423-439. (view abstract)


Blott, S.J. and Pye, K. (2008) Particle shape: a review and new methods of characterization and classification. Sedimentology 55, 31-63. (view abstract)


Saye, S.E. & Pye, K. (2007) Implications of sea level rise for coastal dune habitat conservation in Wales, UK. Journal of Coastal Conservation 11, 31-52. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (2007) Sediment fingerprints: a forensic technique using quartz sand grains - a comment. Science and Justice 47, 34-36. (view abstract)


Pye, K., Blott, S.J., Croft, D.J. and Witton, S.J. (2007) Discrimination between sediment and soil samples for forensic purposes using elemental data: An investigation of particle size effects. Forensic Science International 167, 30-42. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Croft, D.J. (2007) Forensic analysis of soil and sediment traces by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis: An experimental investigation. Forensic Science International 165, 52-63. (view abstract)


Blott, S.J., Pye, K., van der Wal, D. and Neal, A. (2006) Long-term morphological change and its causes in the Mersey Estuary, NW England. Geomorphology 81, 185-206. (view abstract)


Pye, K., Blott, S.J., Croft, D.J. and Carter, J.F. (2006) Forensic comparison of soil samples: assessment of small-scale spatial variability in elemental composition, carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios, colour, and particle size distribution. Forensic Science International 163, 59-80. (view abstract)


Pye, K., Blott, S.J. and Wray, D.S. (2006) Elemental analysis of soil samples for forensic purposes by Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry – precision considerations. Forensic Science International 160, 178-192. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Blott, S.J. (2006) Coastal processes and morphological change in the Dunwich - Sizewell area, Suffolk, UK. Journal of Coastal Research 22, 453-473. (view abstract)


Blott, S.J. and Pye, K. (2006) Particle size distribution analysis of sand-sized particles by laser diffraction: an experimental investigation of instrument sensitivity and the effects of particle shape. Sedimentology 53, 671-685. (view abstract)


Saye, S.E., Pye, K. and Clemmensen, L.B. (2006) Development of a cliff-top dune indicated by particle size and geochemical characteristics: Rubjerg Knude, Denmark. Sedimentology 53, 1-21. (view abstract)


Saye, S.E. and Pye, K. (2006) Variations in chemical composition and particle size of dune sediments along the west coast of Jutland, Denmark. Sedimentary Geology 183, 217-242. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Jones, C. (2006) Particle atlas for forensic geoscience investigations. Labmate 31(1), viii-xi.


Al-Dousari, A.M. and Pye, K. (2005) Mapping and monitoring of dunes in northwestern Kuwait. Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering 32, 119-134. (view abstract)


Saye, S.E., van der Wal, D., Pye, K. and Blott, S.J. (2005) Beach dune morphological relationships and erosion/accretion: an investigation at five sites in England and Wales using LIDAR data. Geomorphology 72, 128-155. (view abstract)


Yoshida, S., Johnson, H.D., Pye, K. and Dixon, R.J. (2004) Transgressive changes from tidal estuarine to marine embayment depositional systems: the Lower Cretaceous Woburn Sands of southern England and comparison with Holocene analogs. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 88, 1433-1460. (view abstract)


Blott, S.J. and Pye, K. (2004) Application of lidar digital terrain modelling to predict intertidal habitat development at a managed retreat site: Abbotts Hall, Essex, UK. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 29, 893-905. (view abstract)


van der Wal, D. and Pye, K. (2004) Patterns, rates and possible causes of saltmarsh erosion in the Greater Thames area (UK). Geomorphology 61, 373-391. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Blott, S.J. (2004) Particle size analysis of sediments, soils and related particulate materials for forensic purposes using laser granulometry. Forensic Science International 144, 19-27. (view abstract)


Blott, S.J. and Pye, K. (2004) Morphological and sedimentological changes on an artificially nourished beach, Lincolnshire, UK. Journal of Coastal Research 20, 214-233. (view abstract)

Pontee, N.I., Pye, K. and Blott, S.J. (2004) Morphodynamic behaviour and sedimentary variation of mixed sand and gravel beaches, Suffolk, UK. Journal of Coastal Research 20, 256-276. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Croft, D.J. (2004) Multi-technique comparison of source and primary transfer soil samples: an experimental investigation - a reply. Science and Justice 44, 176-178. (view abstract)


Croft, D.J. and Pye, K. (2004) Multi-technique comparison of source and primary transfer soil samples: an experimental investigation. Science and Justice 44, 21-28. (view abstract)


Blott, S.J., Al-Dousari, Pye, K. and Saye, S.E. (2004) Three-dimensional characterization of sand grain shape and surface texture using a nitrogen gas adsorption technique. Journal of Sedimentary Research 74, 156-159. (view abstract)


Neal, A., Richards, J. and Pye, K. (2003) Sedimentology of coarse-clastic beach-ridge deposits, Essex, southeast England. Sedimentary Geology 162, 167-198. (view abstract)


Croft, D.J. and Pye, K. (2003) The potential use of continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometry as a tool in forensic soil analysis: a preliminary report. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 17, 2581-2584. (view abstract)


van der Wal, D. and Pye, K. (2003) The use of historical bathymetric charts in a GIS to assess morphological change in estuaries. Geographical Journal 169, 21-31. (view abstract)


van der Wal, D. and Pye, K. (2003) The use of historical bathymetric charts in a GIS to assess morphological change in estuaries. The Hydrographic Journal 103, 3-9. (view abstract)


van der Wal, D., Pye, K. and Neal, A. (2002) Long-term morphological change in the Ribble Estuary, northwest England. Marine Geology 189, 249-266. (view abstract)


Crooks, S., Scutten, J., Sheern, G.D., Pye, K. and Davy, A.J. (2002) Drainage and elevation as factors in the restoration of salt marsh in Britain. Restoration Ecology 10, 591-602. (view abstract)


Neal, A., Pontee, N., Pye, K. and Richards, J. (2002) Internal structure of mixed-sand-and-gravel beach deposits revealed using ground-penetrating-radar. Sedimentology 49, 789-804. (view abstract)


Neal, A., Richards, J. and Pye, K. (2002) Structure and development of shell cheniers in Essex, southeast England, investigated using high frequency ground-penetrating radar. Marine Geology 185, 435-469. (view abstract)


Clemmensen, L.B., Pye, K., Murray, A. and Heinemeier, J. (2001) Sedimentology, stratigraphy and landscape evolution of a Holocene coastal dune system, Lodbjerg, NW Jutland, Denmark. Sedimentology 48, 3-27. (view abstract)


Blott, S.J. and Pye, K. (2001) GRADISTAT: a grain size distribution and statistics package for the analysis of unconsolidated sediments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 26, 1237-1248. (view abstract) (download software)


Rubio, B., Pye, K., Rae, J.E. and Rey, D. (2001) Sedimentological characteristics, heavy metal distribution and magnetic properties in subtidal sediments, Ria de Pontevedra, NW Spain. Sedimentology 48, 1277-1296. (view abstract)


Clarke, M.L., Rendell, H.M., Pye, K., Tastet, J.-P., Pontee, N.I. and Massé, L. (1999) Evidence for the timing of dune development on the Aquitaine coast, southwest France. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplement Band 116, 147-163. (view abstract)


Rubio, B., Rey, D., Pye, K., Nombela, M.A. and Vilas, F. (1999) Aplicación de imágenes de electrones retrodispersados en microscopía electrónica de barrido a sedimentos litorales. Revista de Ciencias del Mar (Thalassas) 15, 71-84.


Miller, J.A. and Pye, K. (1999) The starch-iodine test applied to tree rootlets from the fens. Engineering Failure Analysis 6, 423-424. (view abstract)


Käyhkö, J.A., Worsley, P., Clarke, M.L. and Pye, K. (1999) A revised chronology for the aeolian processes in subarctic Fennoscandia during the Holocene. The Holocene 9, 195-205. (view abstract)


Käyhkö, J., Vuorela, A., Pye, K. and Worsley, P. (1999) Landsat TM mapping of evidence for current wind activity in northern Fennoscandia. International Journal of Remote Sensing 20, 421-443. (view abstract)


Duan, W.M., Coleman, M.L. and Pye, K. (1997) Determination of reduced sulphur species in sediments – an evaluation and modified technique. Chemical Geology 141, 185-194. (view abstract)


Stokes, S., Kocurek, G., Pye, K. and Winspear, N.R. (1997) New evidence for the timing of aeolian sand supply to the Algodones dunefield and East Mesa area, southeastern California, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 128, 63-75. (view abstract)


Duan, W.M., Hedrick, D.B., Pye, K., Coleman, M.L., and White, D.C. (1996) A preliminary study of the geochemical and microbiological characteristics of modern sedimentary concretions. Limnology and Oceanography 41, 1404 – 1414. (view abstract)


Winspear, N.R. and Pye, K. (1996) Textural, geochemical and mineralogical evidence for the sources of aeolian sand in central and southwestern Nebraska, USA. Sedimentary Geology 101, 85-98. (view abstract)


Winspear, N.R. and Pye, K. (1995) Textural, geochemical and mineralogical evidence for the origin of Peoria Loess in central and southern Nebraska, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 20, 735-745. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1995) The nature, origin and accumulation of loess. Quarterly Science Reviews 14, 653-667. (view abstract)


Shi, Z., Pethick, J.S. and Pye, K. (1995) Flow structure in and above the various heights of a saltmarsh canopy: a laboratory flume study. Journal of Coastal Research 11, 1204-1209. (view abstract)


Winspear, N.R. and Pye, K. (1995) Sand supply to the Algodones dunefield, southeastern California, USA. Sedimentology 42, 875-892. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Mottershead, D.N. (1995) Honeycomb weathering of Carboniferous sandstone in a sea wall at Weston-super-Mare, England. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 28, 333-347. (view abstract)


Pye, K., Stokes, S. and Neal, A. (1995) Optical dating of aeolian sands from the Sefton coast, northwest England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 106, 281-292. (view abstract)


Pye, K., Winspear, N.R. and Zhou, L.P. (1995) Thermoluminescence ages of loess and associated sediments in central Nebraska, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 118, 73-88. (view abstract)


Winspear, N.R. and Pye, K. (1995) The origin and significance of boxwork clay coatings on dune sand grains from the Nebraska Sandhills, USA. Sedimentary Geology 94, 245-254. (view abstract)


Shi, Z., Pye, K. and Chen, J.Y. (1995) Progress in physical processes on mudflat saltmarsh: an overview. Advance in Earth Science 10, 19-30.


Pye, K. (1995) Controls on long-term saltmarsh accretion and erosion in the Wash, eastern England. Journal of Coastal Research 11, 337-356. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Mazzullo, J.M. (1994) Effects of tropical weathering on quartz grain shape: an example from northeastern Australia. Journal of Sedimentary Research A 64, 500-507. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Neal. A. (1994) Coastal dune erosion at Formby Point, north Merseyside, England: causes and mechanisms. Marine Geology 119, 39-56. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1994) The origin, transport and primary deposition of loessic material. Quaternary International 73, 50-51.


Mottershead, D.A. and Pye, K. (1994) Tafoni on Coastal slopes, South Devon, U.K. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 19, 543-563. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1994) Shape sorting during wind transport of quartz silt grains - a discussion. Journal of Sedimentary Research A 64, 704-705. (view abstract)


Allison, P.A. and Pye, K. (1994) Early diagenetic mineralization and fossil preservation in modern carbonate concretions. Palaios 9, 561-575. (view abstract)


Coleman, M.L., Hedrick, D.B., Lovley, D.R., White, D.C. and Pye, K. (1993) Reduction of Fe(III) in sediments by sulphate-reducing bacteria. Nature 361, 436-438. (view abstract)


Grousset, F.E., Biscaye, P.E., Revel, M., Petit, J.R., Pye, K., Joussaume, S. and Jouzel, J. (1992) Antarctic (Dome C) ice cor dust at 18 kyr BP: isotopic constraints on origins. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 111, 175-182. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1992) Saltmarsh erosion and accretion processes. MAFF Environment Matters: Coastal Defence 1, 2-3.


Pye, K. (1992) Aeolian dust transport and deposition over Crete and adjacent parts of the Mediterranean Sea. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 17, 271-288. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Miller, J.A. (1990) Chemical and biochemical weathering of pyritic mudrocks in a shale embankment. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, London, 23, 365-381. (view abstract)


Pye, K., Dickson, J.A.D., Schiavon, N., Coleman, M.L. and Cox, M. (1990) Formation of siderite-Mg-calcite-iron sulphide concretions in an intertidal marsh and sandflat sediments, North Norfolk, England. Sedimentology 37, 325-343. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1989) GRANNY: A package for processing grain size and shape data. Terra Nova 1, 588-590. (view details)


Pye, K. and Schiavon, N. (1989) Cause of sulphate attack on concrete, render and stone indicated by sulphur isotope ratios. Nature 342, 663-664. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Zhou, L.P. (1989) Late Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian dust deposition in North China and the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 73, 11-23. (view abstract)


Grun, R., Packham, S.C. and Pye, K. (1989) Problems involved in TL dating of Danish cover sands using K-feldspar. Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, University of Oxford, Occasional Publication No. 9, 15-22.


Pye, K. and Johnson, R. (1988) Stratigraphy, geoechmistry and thermoluminescence dages of Lower Mississippi Valley loess. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 13, 103-124. (view abstract)


Pye, K. & Smith, A.J. (1988) Beach and dune erosion and accretion on the Sefton coast, northwest England. In: Psuty, N.P. (Ed.) Dune / Beach Interaction. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 3, 33-36.


Pye, K. (1988) Bauxites gathering dust. Nature 333, 800-801. (view abstract)


Gale, S.J., Hoare, P.G., Hunt, C.O. and Pye, K. (1988) The Middle and Upper Quaternary deposits at Morston, north Norfolk, U.K. Geological Magazine 125, 521-533. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1988) An occurrence of akaganeite (B-FeOOH.Cl) in Recent oxidized carbonate concretions, Norfolk, England. Mineralogical Magazine 52, 125-126.


Tsoar, H. and Pye, K. (1987) Dust transport and the question of desert loess formation. Sedimentology 34, 139-153. (view abstract)


Burton, J.D., Krinsley, D.H. and Pye, K. (1987) Authigenesis of kaolinite and chlorite in Texas Gulf Coast sediments. Clays and Clay Minerals 35, 291-296. (view details)


Miller, J.A. and Pye, K. (1987) Dating movement on geological faults. Terra Cognita 7, 335-336.


Pye, K. and Krinsley, D.H. (1986) Diagenetic carbonate and evaporite minerals in Rotleigend aeolian sandstones from the southern North Sea: their nature and relationship to secondary porosity development. Clay Minerals 21, 443-457. (view details)


Pye, K., Goudie, A.S., Watson, A. (1986) Petrological influence on differential weathering and inselberg development in the Kora area of central Kenya. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 11, 41-52. (view abstract)


Pye, K., Krinsley, D.H. and Burton, J.H. (1986) Diagenesis of US Gulf Coast shales. Nature 324, 557-559. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and  Hudson, A.J. (1986) Symptoms of sulphate. New Civil Engineer 10 July 1986, 16-17.


Pye, K. and Krinsley, D.H. (1986) Microfabric, mineralogy and early diagenetic history of the Whitby Mudstone Formation (Toarcian), Cleveland Basin, U.K. Geological Magazine 123, 191-203. (view abstract)


Pye, K. & Rhodes, E.G. (1985) Holocene development of an episodic transgressive dune barrier, Ramsay Bay, North Queensland, Australia. Marine Geology 64, 189-202. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1985) Granular disintegration of gneiss and migmatites. Catena 12, 191-199. (view abstract)


Pye, K., Goudie, A.S. & Watson, A. (1985) An introduction to the physical geography of the Kora area, central Kenya. Geographical Journal 151, 168-181. (view abstract)


Pye, K. & Krinsley, D.H. (1985) Formation of secondary porosity in sandstones by quartz framework grain dissolution. Nature 317, 54-56. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1985) Electron microscope analysis of zone dolomite rhombs in the Jet Rock Formation (Lower Toarcian) of the Whitby area, UK. Geological Magazine 122, 279-286. (view abstract)


Watson, A. and Pye, K. (1985) Pseudokarstic micro-relief and other weathering features on the Mswati Granite, Swaziland. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie 29, 285-300.


Goudie, A.S., Pye, K. and Watson, A. (1984) The Island Hills of Kora. The Geographical Magazine 1984, 478-481.


Pye, K., Goudie, A.S. and Thomas, D.S.G. (1984) A test of petrological contol on the development of bornhardts and koppies on the Matopos Batholith, Zimbabwe. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 9, 455-467. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1984) Rapid estimation of porosity and mineral abundance in backscattered electron images using a simple SEM image analyser. Geological Magazine 121, 81-84. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Krinsley, D.H. (1984) Petrographic examination of sedimentary rocks in the SEM using backscattered electron detectors. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 54, 877-888. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1984) SEM analysis of siderite cements in intertidal marsh sediments, Norfolk, England. Marine Geology 56, 1-12. (view abstract)


Krinsley, D.H. and Pye, K. (1984) Examination of Lower Jurassic mudrocks using backscattered electron microscopy. Bulletin of the Association of American Petroleum Geologists 68, 939-940.


Pye, K. (1984) Some perspectives on loess accumulation. Loess Letter 11, 5-11.


Pye, K. (1984) Loess. Progress in Physical Geography 8, 176-217. (view details)


Chalcraft, D. Pye, K. (1984) Humid tropical weathering of quartzite in southeastern Venezuela. Zeitschrift fur Geomorpholgie N.F. 28, 321-332.


Pye, K. and Paine, A. (1983) Nature and source of aeolian deposits near the summit of Ben Arkle, Northwest Scotland. Geologie en Mijnbouw 63, 13-18.


Pye, K. (1983) Grain surface textures and carbonate content of late Pleistocene loess from West Germany and Poland. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 53, 973-980. (view abstract)


Krinsley, D.H., Pye, K. and Kearsley, A.T. (1983) Application of backscattered electron microscopy in shale petrology. Geological Magazine 120, 109-114. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Windsor-Martin, J. (1983) SEM analysis of shales and other geological materials using the Philips Multi-Function Detector System. The EDAX Editor 13(2), 4-6.


Pye, K. and Windsor-Martin, J. (1983) SEM analysis of shales and other geological materials using the Philips Multi-Function Detector System. Imaging polished rock chips and other sections using BSE, CL and EDAX. Norelco Reporter 30(2), 30-32.


Pye, K. and Krinsley, D.H. (1983) Inter-layered clay stacks in Jurassic shales. Nature 304, 618-620. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Krinsley, D.H. (1983) Mudrocks examined by backscattered scanning electron microscopy. Nature 301, 412-413. Nature 304, 618-620. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Krinsley, D.H. (1983) Backscattered electron microscope examination of inter-layered clay stacks in Jurassic mudrocks. Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society 18, 271-272.


Krinsley, D.H. and Pye, K. (1983) The study of mudrock thin sections in backscattered electron microscopy. Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society 18, 271.


Pye, K. and Sperling, C.H.B. (1983) Experimental investigation of silt formation by static breakage processes: the effect of temperature, moisture and salt on quartz dune sand and granitic regolith. Sedimentology 30, 49-62. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1983) Formation and history of Queensland coastal dunes. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie N.F. Supplement Band 45, 175-204.


Pye, K. (1983) Dune formation on the humid tropical sector of the North Queensland coast, Australia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 8, 371-381. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1983) Coastal dunes. Progress in Physical Geography 7, 531-557. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1983) The coastal dune formations of northern Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 94, 33-39.


Pye, K. (1983) Formation of Quartz silt during tropical weathering of dune sands. Sedimentary Geology 34, 267-282. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1982) Morphological development of coastal dunes in a humid environment, Cape Bedford and Cape Flattery, North Queensland. Geografiska Annaler 64A, 213-227. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1982) SEM observations on some sand fulgurites from northern Australia. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 52, 991-998. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1982) Negatively Skewed aeolian sands from humid tropical coastal dunefield, Northern Australia. Sedimentary Geology 31, 249-266. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1982) Morphology and sediments of the Ramsay Bay sand dunes, Hinchinbrook Island, North Queensland. Proceedings of the Society of Queensland 93, 31-47.


Pye, K. (1982) Characteristics and significance of some humate-cemented sands (humicretes) at Cape Flattery, Queensland, Australia. Geological Magazine 119, 229-242. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1982) Thermoluminescence dating of sand dunes. Nature 299, 376. (view abstract)


Pye, K. (1981) Marshrock formed by iron sulphide and siderite cementation in saltmarsh sediments. Nature 294, 650-652. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Jackes, B. (1981) Vegetation of the coastal dunes at Cape Bedford and Cape Flattery, North Queensland. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 92, 37-42.


Pye, K. (1981) Rate of dune reddening in a humid climate. Nature 290, 582-584. (view abstract)


Gardner, R.A.M. and Pye, K. (1981) Nature, origin and palaeoenvironmental significance of red coastal and desert dune sands. Progress in Physical Geography 5, 514-534. (view details)


Healey, R.G., Pye, K., Stoddart, D.R. and Bayliss-Smith, T.P. (1981) Velocity variations in salt marsh creeks, Norfolk, England. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 13, 535-545. (view abstract)


Pye, K. and Switsur, V.R. (1981) Radiocarbon dates from the Cape Bedford and Cape Flattery dunefields, North Queensland. Search 12, 225-226.


Pye, K. (1980) Beach salcrete and eolian sand transport: evidence from North Queensland. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 50, 257-261. (view abstract)