Analysis Services
We provide four main types of analytical service:
Analysis of sediments, soils, dust, sludge, construction materials, industrial products, suspended sediment in water and effluents by:
- Laser diffraction
- Dry and wet sieving
- Pipette analysis
- Image analysis (digital photography or optical microscopy)
- Scanning electron microscopy
- Direct measurement
- We are members of the NMBAQC Scheme, and validated by the MMO for particle size analysis of marine sediments

- Chemical analysis by ICP-OES and ICP-MS
- Mineralogical analysis by XRD
- Optical and scanning electron microscope examination
- Quantitative colour analysis
- Loss on ignition and acid weight loss determination
- Particle shape and surface texture analysis

- RTK GPS surveys
- LiDAR surveys (airborne and terrestrial)
- Bathymetric profile data
- 3D swath bathymetric data
- Analysis of historical maps and aerial photographs
- Data synthesis using GIS
- Volumetric change analysis of digital elevation models

- Wind, precipitation and temperature data
- Tide gauge data
- Wave data
- River flow data
- Lake and reservoir water level data
- Groundwater level data

Clients include: CEFAS, Natural Resources Wales, Northwest Coastal Group, Gwynedd Council, APEM, Atkins, HR Wallingford, MWH, Grontmij, SAL, ESG, Severn Trent Water, Anglian Water, Wessex Water, Yorkshire Water