Our consultancy, investigation and contract sediment analysis services are underpinned by a programme of basic scientific research undertaken on behalf of government departments, non-governmental organizations and private companies. Recent projects have included:
- Assessment of the impact of future climate and sea level change on coastal features and developments
- Evaluation of risk associated with ‘extreme events’, including storm surges
- Prediction of large-scale, long-term changes in coastal morphology
- Development of methods for prediction of environmental change within estuaries
- Assessment of potential requirements for, and limitations on, beach nourishment as a coastal management tool
- Requirements for coastal and estuarine monitoring
- Development of new and refined methods for particle size and shape analysis
- Methods of sediment fingerprinting and provenance studies
Clients include: DEFRA, The Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, the European Commission, and major energy companies. For published outputs see our publications section.